Aurora X — 2021


3D Animation.


The brief was to unpack and explore Oskar Fischinger’s quote, “everything in this world has a spirit which is released by its sound”. Further, the animation needed to both start and end with a provided ‘x’ silhouette. ‘Aurora X’ is inspired by the legends of the spirits of Aurora Borealis. There are many myths surrounding this natural wonder, with most believing the lights to be spirits.

‘Aurora X’ depicts the growth of colourful, glowing lights encased within an outer x-shaped structure. The stone-like surface of the x represents the dark, cold night sky. This still scene is accompanied by quiet, soft music. As the music builds and tension rises, the x begins to light up in a beautiful display of colourful lights – reflecting the aurora spirits. As this occurs, growing vein-like structures appear to represent what’s occurring inside of the x – showing that its spirit is alive. ‘Aurora X’ tells the story of how the dark, cold night sky can hold a beautiful spirit within – aurora.


Student Project


3D Modelling & Animation


Peter MaCallum


Evolving Architecture